Monday, October 4, 2010

VALUES: Community

I have had a blast sharing our vision with so many Young Adults. This past Sunday did not disappoint as I got to not only share the details of the Awakening with so many, but I also got to hear a response from people excited to participate in this ministry.  

So many of the responses are the same. I have heard from countless young adults that The Awakening is "what they are looking for," "something they have been wanting," and even "an answer to prayer!"

Clearly, this new ministry is filling a void. There has been an absence and a vacuum has been trying to fill a social need with no avail. This ministry will "lead young adults in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, through authentic social community." These last words describe one of our main values that so many young adults are thirsty for.

We find people needing several types of community depending on their stage of life, spiritual growth and personality (among other variables). The Public space of community is what we often see in a large gathering on Sunday mornings. A lot of people gathering for the same purpose. We reveal little about ourselves, but recognize we are hear for a common purpose. The Social space of community is a mid-sized group of people where more is revealed by individuals. People being to know names and gather similar information about each other in the hopes of fostering more connections. The Personal space of community is more revealing still. Personal information about 'life at home" is shared. Struggles and pains are known by members of the group and when it's time to celebrate a 2 year old's birthday, they are the ones to show up. Finally the intimate sphere of community is reserved for very close relationships such as a spouse or very close friend. At this level, there is very little that goes unshared. Almost all is known about the other individual.

So where does The Awakening fit in? The Awakening is an Authentic Social community. We want young adults to come on Tuesday nights, meet 20 people and walk away with 5 new connections. I find myself often telling others, "We are a social community that filters the personal sphere of community and encourages both the public and intimate spheres of community as well."

As I have shared this idea of social community, I am met with enthusiasm and thirst for such a place to connect and hang out. I look forward to building up this community and doing all we can to foster an atmosphere where everyone can plug in, so that they can participate in the spiritual growth at The Awakening.

Check out tomorrow's blog to read more about our value of "Missional Life"


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